The Ontario Society speaks on behalf of the interests and concerns of vocational rehabilitation professionals.
We advocate for the improvement of social policies and programs directly affecting the public we serve and our members residing in the province of Ontario, develop guidelines for professional practice, publish a provincial newsletter and offer ongoing education for enhanced professional development. As an association of professionals, we continuously work to achieve the highest level of competency, knowledge and conduct. Our Code of Ethics, continuing education, mentoring and shared Best Practices have made VRA Canada and the Ontario Society the accomplished associations they are today.

Our Mission
VRA Canada and the multi-disciplinary vocational rehabilitation professionals it represents are committed to supporting, assisting, and advocating for individuals experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, disabling conditions along the continuum of achieving or restoring optimum vocational and life goals. These outcomes are achieved through purposeful and intentional development of strategies and interventions that are informed and directed by education, research, experience, and skills, as well as ongoing professional development, unique to the discipline and profession of vocational rehabilitation.
Our Vision
VRA Canada is the leading national organization committed to professional excellence of and for its multi-disciplinary members, who are recognized by stakeholders as experts in the provision of vocational and pre-vocational rehabilitation services. VRA Canada is the acknowledged Centre of Excellence providing education, research, and evidence-based best practices.
VRA Ontario's Statements:
VRA Ontario Equality Statement
VRA Ontario Reconciliation Statement